Nonetheless, the speaker should not rely on their own intuition about audience expectations, but rather consider only "a small, yet significant statistical probability" (mi'ut ha-matzui).
There is a significant probability that one of a set may have changed its repeat number after only a few generations.
"I don't think there is any significant probability of it falling apart," he said.
Specifically, entropy is a logarithmic measure of the number of states with significant probability of being occupied:
If only the most likely combinations are used, from estimated probabilities, there will also be a significant probability of error.
Neither concept should be confused with sexually transmitted diseases, which are diseases that have a significant probability of transmission through sexual contact.
Radiation therapy must be carried to high doses for any significant probability of permanent control.
But also, there was a significant probability that they would not make it - that default probability was significant.
"Any other significant probabilities?"
The orientation desired, if I may correct myself, then, is well known to possess no significant probability of spontaneously coming to pass.