Most of those songs will likely find significant play in my MP3 Player for months to come.
The first single from the album, "Beautiful", received significant play on radio stations throughout Canada.
It was a significant play because Vaughn followed with a double to tie it, 5-5.
"It was a very significant play in the course of the game because they get the penalty," Schottenheimer said.
I knew the race was going to get significant play in the States, but I didn't think it would be like this.
He allowed two earned runs, struck out six, walked one and secured that significant double play with Ventura's help.
This proved to be one of the significant plays that helped the Ravens win the game 24-9.
The defense has made few significant big plays so far, but it has been resourceful.
While those might have been Ward's most exciting contributions, they were not the only significant plays he made.
During football games, the extended version of the fight song is played after the football team performs a significant play.