After years of war in the Balkans, the United States had finally committed itself to significant military intervention in 1995-1996.
The Ptolemaic dynasty allowed Jews to manage their own affairs, without significant intervention by the government.
Using the above mentioned approach, Chow has made significant interventions in the critical conversation surrounding postcolonial and other critical theory.
But show me any significant intervention that doesn't have these.
As long as the drop were not too fast, traders would not expect significant intervention.
Also due to its rural banking orientation, promotion of agribusiness is a significant and strategic intervention by Equity.
But he made a significant political intervention with an attack on Labour's handling of the forces.
As for the interior, there won't be any significant interventions as it is built to the highest standards, so that 33 years later no functional adjustments are necessary.
In recent years there have been significant statutory interventions protecting the consumer.
This week, we saw their most significant intervention.