"At that age the physical differences between girls and boys are not a significant handicap."
Children from homes where Lao is not spoken enter schools with a significant handicap, a condition partly accounting for the high dropout rate.
For Truman, it was often a significant handicap.
Most often only the problems of the children were given as the significant handicaps to placement.
But if you look at the Senate race, D'Amato is under significant handicaps.
But the ownership structure can also be a significant competitive handicap.
But there are significant handicaps facing the individual who wishes to apply for judicial review of the lawfulness of a public body's decision.
The alternative thresholds, however, must lead to the conclusion that an area in question is affected by a significant handicap, as desired by the Council.
As I said before, the outermost regions have significant handicaps, but they must be considered an opportunity for Europe.
Compared with hip-hop heroes like these, Jay-Z has a significant handicap: he's alive and well.