The most significant expression of working class opinion was at Northumberland in 1862 when Gladstone visited.
Coming from a spokesman at the top of Palestinian political leadership, it represents a significant expression and warrants a positive echo.
The strike is viewed as the most significant expression of student activism since 1968, when a similar movement was crushed by troops.
Also, significant expression of the α v chain was found (see Table).
I don't know about about it being the best, but we think it is the most significant expression of a new French tendency.
Finding only 3 to 4 fragments is sufficient only for high abundant genes with a significant differential expression.
Given these differences, both methods agree on a majority of grain filling genes, which had very significant differential expression during grain development.
Her emotion was overflowing and demanded a more significant expression.
It is a significant expression of the quality of a diesel fuel.
Nobody was calling Iran a democracy, but many political scientists agreed that a significant expression of popular opinion had been allowed to take place.