The leverage it provides to win pots without the best hand gives forceful risk-takers a significant edge.
And the $13,000 Esteem does not have a significant edge in price over more polished competitors.
Filling a filled niche is incredibly difficult and doing it without something to give you a significant edge doesn't work.
Florida took a 33-23 lead after a sluggish first half in which neither team gained a significant edge, thanks in part to good defense.
That is a significant edge in a five-game series because Johnson will probably only start once.
Fuel mileage may no longer be a significant edge for Newman as it was in some of his victories last season.
Before 1986, India had a significant technical edge.
The soldiers who took tyrosine also had a significant edge in alertness and quick response.
In particular, the ability to conceptualize a series of complex movements as small, distinct ones and to thrive under pressure gave Hill a significant edge.
High volumes can also bring a significant edge, but only until competition forces prices down.