The envelope of a red giant can grow to significant dimensions, extending up to a hundred times its previous radius (or larger).
To this class analysis of urban change Gamm adds the significant dimension of religion.
While the Japanese car makers are taking pains to describe the improvements in merely technological terms, they also have a significant political dimension.
What's more, it is now clear that the issue has a significant ideological dimension.
In the 1950s, the diode-matrix control circuits were not widespread due to their significant dimensions and high power consumption.
There is a difference between an image and a symbol, and the images here do not always have a significant dimension.
Lastly, for the first time these texts have a very significant social dimension to them, which fills me with great hope.
It also has a significant symbolic dimension and value as a reference point.
It is a useful and necessary measure, in that sporting activity constitutes such a significant dimension of European society.
The infrastructure for freight needs to be brought under European policy as it already has a significant international dimension.