Further testing found significant blockages in three coronary arteries that, if left untreated, almost certainly would have caused a major heart attack.
An investigation revealed that unexpectedly high cyclic loads were the result of a significant blockage of the wind by the complex truss tower structure.
Most clots are limited by thrombolytic mechanisms, but significant blockage usually results as the clot is scarred over.
In recent months there have been significant blockages at one or other major thoroughfares on an average of three out of five working days.
Eventually, they cause significant blockages.
Research has shown that the lesion-specific calcium scoring method is superior to the traditional Agatston score for the prediction of significant blockages in the heart.
The stress test located a "significant blockage" in an artery leading to an area near the bottom part of the heart, Dr. Johnston said.
Still, there appeared to be significant arterial blockages that were depriving his heart muscle of adequate blood flow.
The stress test was normal, suggesting that there were no significant blockages in his coronary arteries, so a heart attack was unlikely.
The angiogram showed significant blockage in a number of coronary arteries, normal heart function and no heart attack.