At least, not while under any significant acceleration.
The measures, which represented a significant acceleration in the government's three-year "economic salvation programme", followed the virtual closure of the world's financial markets to the country.
The electrification lead to a significant acceleration of services, with typical through journey times reduced from over 3 hours to 2 hours.
Others have claimed significant acceleration using re-purposed off-the-shelf graphics cards for their high parallel throughput.
They pointed to significant acceleration in both residential and nonresidential spending since the middle of 1993.
ONE reason may be a significant acceleration of application processing time under the Pataki administration.
This is a revision since 2001, when the TAR stated that measurements have detected no significant acceleration in the recent rate of sea level rise.
There are those who argue that a significant acceleration in wages is just around the corner.
Higher ("pharmacologic") doses are required to produce significant acceleration of growth in these conditions, producing blood levels well above normal ("physiologic").
Bond and stock market investors have been encouraged by an economy that has been growing for nearly six years now without a significant acceleration of prices.