The next section discusses background and setting for each resource factor; and how lead agencies conduct their analysis and the authority for their significance thresholds for these resources.
To baseball, substituting another sport's "regularly scheduled programming" misuses the significance threshold.
In addition, the place must pass a "significance threshold"; it must have 'outstanding' heritage value to the nation as a whole.
A less conservative significance threshold was considered appropriate since the total number of hypotheses (i.e. tests of significance) conducted was small.
The most conservative approach to this problem, a Bonferroni-corrected significance threshold, would not result in any significantly regulated genes, as the adjusted threshold would be 1.06 x 10 -5, while the lowest P value attained in our data set for the N vs. Ax.
At the time of the next assessment, 1994, the risks had increased, from 29 in a million for cancer to 37 in a million, and in 1998 they had dropped to 22.58 in a million, with a "significance" threshold of 10 in a million.
If this p-value is less than some predetermined statistical significance threshold α, one considers the result "significant".
Let the significance threshold for each test be ; then the probability that at least one of the tests is significant under this threshold is (1 - the probability that none of them are significant).
The MIPS website [ 36 ] was searched for each sequence that exceeded the significance threshold to gather information, including the genomic location of the clone, the name of the gene, and the number of ESTs.
Fold changes and t tests have been applied to microarray datasets to yield lists of genes that have undergone altered expression under a certain significance threshold.