The significance of Chetverikov's work came to light much later, by which time the evolutionary synthesis was virtually complete.
The script followed by the knowledgeable guides focuses on key points about the artist's life, and the enduring significance of his work.
The magazine encourages leading scientists to write in plain language explaining the significance of their work to the general public.
Only recently have scholars begun to re-examine the significance of Nojima's work in the decades before the war.
I think what happened was that Ted finally re-alized the significance of our work.
The significance of the commission's work, Zimring says, is that it shows how capital punishment has become a luxury.
Mainstream medicine was slow to recognise the significance of Villemin's work.
As an urban cultural anthropologist, I also recognize the social significance of your work.
The significance of Mendel's work was not recognized until the turn of the 20th century.
The clinical significance of their work was later shown by Sass.