Their significance in industry and antitrust law arises from the fact that the greater the multihoming costs, the greater is the tendency toward market concentration.
The central significance of Mamaloni's move arose from its effect on the role of political parties within the Solomon Islands.
It would lack the component of reflection where meaning and significance arise, and where integration of that meaning translates into competence, conscience and compassion.
Its significance arises from its over-wintering population of avocets (Recurvirostra avosetta).
Narrative, in this sense, need not imply a program, only an assumption that significance, formal or expressive, arises out of a linked series of unfolding events.
The significance of this street drug does not arise again until later in the film.
The significance of the pangenome arises in an evolutionary context, especially with relevance to metagenomics, but is also used in a broader genomics context.
Both her supervisor and the laboratory director understood the significance of her discovery and a new field of polymer chemistry quickly arose.
Chirakkalkulam's significance arises from the birth of the historic Arakkal Kingdom.
Its architectural significance first arose in 1821, when British architect John Haviland was chosen to design the building.