Crypto - Provides cryptographic functions like hashing, signature verification, encrypting and decrypting.
Government health officials argue that no signature verification has been required for transmitting health care forms under paper-based systems.
Mr. Schumer, who had proposed such "signature verification," agreed today to withdraw the proposal.
His primary interests have been in information theory, random fields, communication networks, video compression, signature verification, coherent signal processing, and quantum information theory.
Intellectual property rights for the automatic signature verification were acquired from IBM in 1998.
You could always put such signature verification into the classic BIOS.
Companies using signature verification can adjust their security levels according to which type of error is more damaging to the business.
More control - software, hardware and peripherals can be disabled if digital signature verification fails.
The most common use of the Pantelegraph was for signature verification in banking transactions.
The concern about digital signature verification that is delaying online voting prevents online registration as well.