A group fighting efforts to locate the foreigners says it has collected 20,000 signatures demanding that the inquiry stop.
But opponents then collected more than 900 signatures demanding a referendum on the issue, which will probably be held in March.
One Maoist website has collected thousands of signatures demanding punishment for those who publicly criticize Mao.
State officials said that they had received 1.3 million signatures demanding the recall of Gov. Gray Davis, hundreds of thousands more than needed.
Another anti-Clinton group, the Christian Coalition, has used its Web site and phone banks to gather signatures demanding the President's resignation.
Indeed, in many parts of Germany, opponents have banded together to gather signatures demanding a referendum on the reforms.
An online petition has collected several thousand signatures demanding for the house to be preserved by the National Trust.
They gathered 13,000 signatures demanding the end of the Soltau-Lüneburg Agreement.
TDU collected thousands of signatures demanding the right to vote on the big dues hike.
England: A delegation of women textile workers from Northern England presented a petition to Parliament with 37,000 signatures demanding votes for women.