After the two-hour rally, she presented petitions with more than 2,000 signatures calling on the City Council to take action against the stores.
As of February 2012, the campaign has collected 5 million signatures calling for a nuclear-free Japan.
Many political experts expect that signatures calling for a referendum, which were collected months ago, will be ruled invalid.
Staring at such traces, the scientists had at first toyed with the idea it might be the signature of intelligence, calling from the stars.
Catalans have gathered more than a million signatures calling for Catalans to have their own national team, he said.
Meanwhile, Mr. Sporn has collected about 300 signatures calling on local officials "to do everything in their power to save" the courts.
Children took to the streets and gathered more than 1,000 signatures calling for Blue Cross to pay for the operation.
A National signature campaign attracted over 250,000 signatures calling for a five-year moratorium.
Following this disruption, the Chinese students association of Victoria University presented a petition of 113 signatures calling for an apology.