After graduating from the Carnegie Institute of Technology in Pittsburgh, she moved to Hollywood and signed with Universal Studios.
When The Big Valley was cancelled in 1969, he signed a long-term contract with Universal Studios.
He signed with Universal Studios for six films in 1924, hoping for a comeback.
He then signed with Universal Studios, where he was among the top movie stars for several years.
In 1971, she signed a contract with Universal Studios and worked as a contract player in various Universal productions.
In 1967, Wagner signed with Universal Studios.
He signed a five-film contract with Universal Studios.
On January 20, 1953, Van Doren signed a contract with Universal Studios.
In 1949, Rosetta Jacobs signed a contract with Universal Studios, changing her screen name to Piper Laurie, by which she has been known professionally since.
After deciding to switch to acting, Gless took classes and in 1974 signed a 10-year contract with Universal Studios.