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The sight of it was paralyzing.
Often as she had recited in public, she had never before faced such an audience as this, and the sight of it paralyzed her energies completely.
The sight of them paralyzed her with fear.
But the sight of a troop of new arrivals paralyzed her.
Already terrified for Janet's life, Earl hung above her, the sight of the baby momentarily paralyzing him.
She knew she ought to be running out there and trying to help, but the sight paralyzed her.
The sight of the perfect yellow spring tulips of Park Avenue falling before the feet of the mob paralyzed him with fear.
Claude had actually gotten outto help me into the house, and the sight of him had paralyzed the young schoolteacher.
The sight of it paralyzed her.
The sight was paralyzing; if he didn't start moving again right away, he never would.