I asked myself, licking my fingers after devouring a greasy chicken in a sidewalk restaurant filled with armed youngsters.
During a simple lunch of noodles at a sidewalk restaurant, a local man was asked where to look for signs of the illicit wealth.
But once he sat down at the sidewalk restaurant, the desire to get drunk left him.
They were in a sidewalk restaurant overlooking the river, off to one side, with no one nearby.
As the march proceeded, many bystanders along the street and in sidewalk restaurants applauded.
But in neighborhoods with fewer air-conditioners or sidewalk restaurants, families in need of a large communal space naturally find the stoop ideal.
He passed a sidewalk restaurant and saw no less than ten people listening to an hourly news broadcast.
She continued to write, compose, and play her songs, as well as covers, at sidewalk restaurants in Marseilles.
People should have been out on the streets, working, moving around, socializing at the many sidewalk restaurants, drinking the awful local version of coffee.
That was when Paul Callan, deputy mayor at the time, saw how sidewalk restaurants in Manhattan were thriving and approached council with the idea.