For Greek Orthodox Easter In celebration of Greek Orthodox Easter, on April 11 this year, Estiatorio Milos, 125 West 55th Street, will spit-roast 10 lambs on sidewalk grills, starting at 5 P.M. on April 10, for dinner at midnight after the traditional church service.
This well-loved traditional Mexican restaurant nurtures a lively atmosphere with its sidewalk grill and open kitchen.
When disbelief threatened to get the better of them, the stickball wives began unfolding lawn chairs, unpacking coolers, stoking sidewalk grills, scolding grandchildren.
Are the clips on the sidewalk grills meant to look like the soles of giant feet!
Lights beaming up through sidewalk grills now illuminate the entryway.
And Kerry supporters in Philadelphia cooked hamburgers on a sidewalk grill for those trapped in one polling place line.