Walk on a sidewalk grate?
The placement of the compressor on the sidewalk grate was questioned by city officials at the scene.
Thick white smoke rolled through both stations and poured out of a sidewalk grate on West 14th Street.
His thesis has vanished, and as he carries his only printout to a copy shop, it falls through a sidewalk grate.
When the sun rose on Tuesday morning, Mr. Black was crumpled dead on a sidewalk grate.
Steam rose nearby from a sidewalk grate.
Late yesterday, Con Edison officials said it was not clear what had caused the explosion in the transformer, which stands about three feet below a sidewalk grate.
"That drops below and so it is considered a hazard," he says, pointing to a sidewalk grate.
This second monkey was finally caught after startled pedestrians saw its fingers protruding through a sidewalk grate near Rector Street.
Mr. Musto, girded in a trench coat, even stopped to expound on a sidewalk grate.