A prohibition on vendors is needed because of sidewalk congestion at ground zero, the proposed legislation says.
It will prohibit vending tables on designated thoroughfares where they cause sidewalk congestion and present a threat to public health and safety.
The Mayor banned vendors after failing to agree on new rules to reduce sidewalk congestion.
But the sluggish economy has prompted complaints from store owners worried about sidewalk congestion and competition from merchants who don't pay rent.
City officials note that if the toilets in the new proposal are too large, there will be limits on where they can be placed without creating sidewalk congestion.
The panel members accepted the petitioners' argument that food carts and the sidewalk congestion they cause are a public nuisance and safety hazard.
But while it is welcomed in some quarters, Local Law 10 is also extracting a high cost in esthetics and sidewalk congestion.
Some neighbors objected to the statue because of sidewalk congestion; others because Nobel invented dynamite.
Still, some neighborhood residents have complained of sidewalk congestion and excessive noise, especially during the dances on its alcohol-free disco nights.
In contrast, the sidewalk congestion in Chinatown has vanished.