Brawl, commenting that Waluigi, amongst other sidekick characters, are not well-liked.
For a period of time Maytag gave Ol' Lonely a younger sidekick character known as the 'Maytag Apprentice', played by actor Mark Devine.
An additional by-product of the player's chosen gender is the nature of the "sidekick" character.
Additionally, in single-player mode, a second player may take control of Shadow's sidekick character in some stages.
Antony generally portrayed the humorous sidekick character.
Due to Roy's limited knowledge of sports, he plays the musical sidekick character of "Roy Shaffer", often interrupting and accompanying the host with humorous musical stings.
D0g was positively received as one of the best robot and sidekick characters in video gaming.
He is always accompanied by a diminutive sidekick character named Ralph who rides on his back.
That is the name of the "sidekick" character Caan played in the movie El Dorado with John Wayne.
Zee D. Bird, the sidekick character of Moose A. Moose, used in continuity advertising on the American cable network Nick Jr.