With circus music blaring in the background and children squealing with delight, the pay phone on the side of the old 90-cents-a-ride carousel (mid-park at 65th Street) offers the perfect way to leave an exciting answering machine message.
Will was sick over the side of the carousel.
And, far over away on the far side of the carousel, traveling, fast-traveling, Jim fought with his own hands, the pole, the empty wind-whipped journey, the growing night, the wheeling stars.
Merrick was trying to get under cover-there was a repair well on the far side of the carousel that could just accommodate his ship.
Carousels were first used in the Byzantine Empire for entertainment and to train knights, who were supposed to spear a brass ring at the side of the carousel with their lances.
How many people use the alternative home pages on either side of the carousel?