If the other side cooperates, the program continues to cooperate.
When both sides do not cooperate and assertive in order to solve their conflicts, they would come out with a tragic results.
He tried to smile, but only one side of his mouth would cooperate.
But neither side cooperated sufficiently, and the process soon ground down with fatigue.
The judge said he would consider more drastic measures, like appointing a receiver for the company, if the two sides did not cooperate.
Although the two sides cooperate, all moves must be legal according to the rules of chess.
He spoke of the range of economic and technological areas where the two sides could cooperate.
The two sides cooperate to reach the position, but all moves must be legal.
The diagram on the right shows a helpmate, in which both sides cooperate to achieve a mate to the black king.
The other side wasn't cooperating very well, was it?