He was curious as to what it held; its sides were bulging.
Its sides are smooth, and sometimes bulging from the presence of a small air sinus in the interior.
One side of her enormous abdomen bulged suddenly out, startling him.
Its sides bulged and he could see the tension in Michael's arm muscles as he held it.
The huge two-story house, built in the 1930s, faced the water and was laid out like a staple whose sides bulged a little past ninety degrees.
It bulged, the straps barely reaching the buckles, but then, the other side bulged now, too.
A small crater lies across the southern rim, and the side bulges outward slightly along the southwestern face.
His films are packed, stuffed to the point where their sides bulge, with characters, laughter and insights that send the spirits soaring.
Roland staggered with pain and terror as the entire left side of his face bulged outward, almost ripping the bandages loose.
An overweight Japanese tourist was waiting patiently, his sides bulging with video and camera bags.