The cameras shot from a low side angle, making the walk seem much more dangerous than it was.
Even from a distance and a side angle, Deanna could see something she had never seen before through the panoramic window: blue sky.
The helicopter struck the street on a side angle.
There was a space at a 'side angle, where one could pass between two towers.
The projecting end twisted at an upward side angle.
And judging from the side angle of the dark cone, it started almost down on the ground.
Next, it faded mysteriously, off to a side angle that led to a hall outside the little living room.
They showed him pictures of Gikman in the restaurant, taken from a side angle.
But the replay, taken from a side angle, clearly showed the ball bouncing on the grass and into the glove.
Watching this from a side angle was something technicians always loved, no matter how many times they'd seen it.