The first mention of Domitia in Marcus' letters reveals her as a sickly infant.
They are babies few people want, sickly and fragile infants often abandoned by parents who cannot bear the emotional or financial burden of raising them.
And there's been others so frail and sickly, little infants, sometimes, that they're scarcely born into the living before they come down to the dead.
There a nurse props a sickly infant on her hip.
They will show concern over another's wounds, and lavish attention on a sickly infant.
The woman, the girlfriend of the father's brother, believes the sickly infant will recover in a few months.
Initially he found it "a very sickly infant", but under his leadership it expanded rapidly, and soon had over 20,000 members in 600 branches.
He was a sickly infant who early on began to exhibit the tics that would influence how people viewed him in his later years.
Return to the method of the Spartans, exposing our sickly infants?
He was a sickly infant with a birth weigh of two pounds and constantly fell ill.