Banks are lending less and at higher rates, forcing companies onto public markets where investors are increasingly selective - dragging on sickly economies.
Given the restorative effects of government spending on a sickly economy, many economists say they were right to do it.
The region's sickly economy has sent many home developers scrambling for buyers, with some resorting to such last-resort sales measures as auctions and deep discounts.
But sharply lower rates, at least this time around, have negative implications for stocks in that they signify a sickly economy.
Economists warn that the combination of meager job creation and mild job elimination is usually a symptom of a sickly economy.
In particular, they noted that Singapore was situated between two sickly economies, those of Indonesia and Malaysia.
Budget savings will weaken an already sickly economy.
In 1981, Reagan cut taxes to spur consumption and revive a sickly economy.
A sickly economy forced Daihatsu to lower its sales target for this year.
Just when Iran's sickly economy seemed incapable of sustaining another blow, it was dealt a tremendous one by the earthquake in June.