The young heroine and title character has been married off to her sickly cousin and is trapped in a monotonous existence in her aunt's haberdashery.
Her own personality blossoms as she and a young gardener bring new life to a neglected garden, as well as to her sickly cousin and uncle.
Certainly, compared with its sickly cousin, "Good Vibrations" (that's the Beach Boys musical at the Eugene O'Neill Theater), "All Shook Up" looks like Jose Canseco at his steroid-plumped peak.
When Mary's presence begins to have a medicinal effect on Colin Craven (Heydon Prowse), the girl's sickly 10-year-old cousin, Mrs. Medlock is more disturbed by the disruption than pleased by its results.
This classy aperitif, served ice-cold, bears little relation to its sickly sweet cousin, Asti spumante.
Giorgio is soon transferred, however, to a remote provincial outpost, where he makes the acquaintance of Fosca (Donna Murphy), his commanding officer's willful and sickly cousin, who becomes obsessed with him.
Because either way, no "alliance" could be made operative during Erika's probable lifetime (and how was his sickly cousin Frieda, Erika's daughter, doing these days?)
Determined to find out where the crying is coming from, she discovers the room that belongs to her sickly cousin, Colin Craven, who is the master of the house during Lord Craven's absence.
People with leprosy have learned to be especially wary of writers whose works are often warped by disgust or its sickly cousins, pity and condescension.
"An older, sickly cousin."