Even though the photo was much enlarged and grainy, Mar- aklov could still make out the drawn features, the thinning hair, the sickly appearance.
This photo has never been released to the public, and may never be, due to Staley's sickly physical appearance.
A lone protester, whose sickly appearance reflects his weak voice in society, is in the same stadium screaming at the events taking place.
Critics were disappointed with its storyline, English dubbing, and Laurel's sickly physical appearance.
Because of her youth, and what was considered her "sickly" appearance, she was not chosen.
Despite his sickly appearance, his is very fit.
Ricci wore an actual 40-pound (18 kg) chain during filming and ate only foods of no nutritional value to achieve a sickly appearance.
The fluorescent lighting gave my otherwise unblemished skin a sickly appearance, emphasizing the bags under my eyes.
Sinkholes were rare now; apparently the trees and vegetation absorbed all the available water, despite their sickly appearance.
Many of the officials who attended the ceremony loyally played down Mr. Yeltsin's sickly appearance as they walked out.