Pain came and went in his face: sudden jabs of sickening pain.
But he wanted the sickening, ripping, terrifying pain to end.
He was acutely aware of a sickening pain at the back of his neck.
The other guard's mind was tucked away, trying to cope with the sickening pain that paralyzed his legs and stomach.
It would do well enough, he decided, wincing at the sickening pain -not that he had any choice.
She tried to pull away, and as she did so, the skin burned and a sickening pain shot up towards her elbow.
With the elation of this thought there came again the sudden, sickening pain in his head.
The sickening pain of a broken bone never allowed time to knit.
The stabbing, sickening pain in her arm sank to a dull throbbing.
Something snapped in her chest and she screamed again against the sickening pain.