Ready for a sickening impact with the ground, Peter winced as his heels touched it light as a feather.
It landed with a sickening impact behind his ear.
A sickening impact, smothered by the still kicking body of his brother, feeling and tasting warm blood on his face.
Arquillo slammed the heel of his good hand into the bridge of Wolf's nose with sickening impact.
Or would the first he knew be the sickening impact of the bullet?
Second by second, he expected to hear a short squeal of brakes and feel the sickening impact of another car against his, but amazingly, he was able to avoid a collision.
It sucked at him voraciously and then dropped him again with a sickening impact, until the next one could arrive.
There was a moment or two that seemed very long, much too long, and then the floor rose up to meet him with a sickening impact.
The three figures frozen in space as they await the sickening impact of whatever it is that is coming at them at unimaginable speed.
Down into the grave he toppled, and his head struck the edge of the coffin with a sickening impact.