The siblings join an extended family that includes six older children from both of the adults' previous marriages.
Clayton's parents and siblings also joined the church.
Spouse, children, grandchildren, parents, siblings, and grandparents of eligible members can also join.
Seven siblings, all of whom survived to adulthood, joined the family between Allen's birth in 1738 and 1751.
Her siblings joined her, preferring to use their fists to pound on the metal hatch.
His father and younger siblings soon joined him in Texas after the two brothers' income was able to cover their expenses.
The other siblings joined the group as the years passed.
As part angels, or quarterlings, the siblings joined other children of nephilim to begin honing their special powers.
Immediately after the game, Ripken's parents, siblings, wife and children joined him on the field for the post-game celebration.
Around it, other siblings were joining in.