Alix and her surviving siblings grew close to her British cousins, spending holidays with Queen Victoria.
Thanks to their devoted uncles and aunt, the siblings grow to be well-educated and well-read young people, but due to their somewhat sheltered environment, they tend to be naive in worldly ways.
George and his six siblings grew up mostly in a white clapboard mansion overlooking the sea in Manchester, Mass.
Just as Sally came to regard the land as her soul and Binford to love it as she did her children, the three siblings grew "incredibly close," Binford says.
The siblings have grown very close over the years.
Anna Torres stayed at home until after Torres and his siblings grew up, at which point she became a personal trainer.
Watching his younger siblings learn and grow helped to establish in him an interest in children.
Their mother died young, and the siblings grew close, living together their entire lives, neither marrying nor having children, according to Mr. Aramian.
Eventually all the family's secrets are revealed, his brothers' as well as Bobby's, and the siblings all grow closer in the process.
The younger siblings grew more serious-minded after David Kennedy's death, feeling sadly wiser for the missteps of their older brothers.