The crowd of ghosts jostled and shuffled aside to make room.
The Sealons shuffled aside to make room for him, the movement spreading across the ranks of dark, aquatic bodies like ripples.
Leaving the crew weaponless, he stepped forward; three men shuffled aside as he advanced.
The crowd shuffled aside, revealing a small bowlegged grey dog, which looked up impassively at Dibbler.
She shuffled aside for the security team.
Men like Captain Donaju only wanted to fight the French, but instead they were to be shuffled aside.
The semi-vegetable Galactic sounded pleased and amused as it shuffled aside to let him pass.
Ydrena was perched there, along with a crewman who shuffled aside to make room for him on the platform.
Adimov shuffled aside the moment of their first meeting.
He'd shuffled aside a dozen solid rock numbers he and Johnno had written.