Ornamental shrubs were rare, but could include azalea, lilac, and mock orange.
Shrubs that survive among them include strawberry, snowberry, willows and bog birch.
Other shrubs and trees used include holly, beech, oak, ash, and willow; the last three can become very tall.
Deciduous shrubs include honeysuckle, viburnum, and many others.
The shrubs include willows and coyote brush.
Other shrubs that can be clipped lightly now for twigs to force indoors include quince, dogwood and single cherry.
Common shrubs include bayberry, beach plum, raspberry, Virginia rose and saltspray rose.
Other common shrubs include bitterbrush, snowberry, and ceanothus.
Shrubs include spider flowers, thyme spurge, nodding blue lily and waxlip orchids.
Shrubs include butterfly pea and wooly caper bush.