Catching the rays of sunshine this variety lights up the shrub border to prolong the last few days of autumn.
Others believe that buyers prefer houses with larger shrub borders and smaller lawns, so there is less grass to mow.
One essential: The birdbath must be placed so that it is near evergreens, trees or a thick shrub border.
The wood chip or bark mulch looks great as a tidy finish for shrub borders.
Laid to lawn with mature shrub border and fruit trees and a lock timber fencing.
Wildflower corners and shrub borders are also filling in spaces that used to be devoted to the high maintenance lawn areas.
They can be part of shrub borders and also grow well in bright partial shade at the edge of wooded areas.
Also, mulches, especially on rose gardens and shrub borders, help to keep down weed growth.
Patio, terrace, base of wall or building, front of shrub border are all suitable places.
For a place where there is deep shade, particularly in shrub borders or under trees, a circle of Omphalodes can have a dramatic effect.