It is the most important food export of the Bahamas, and rivals the shrimp industry in the Florida Keys in commercial value.
The world's worst oil slick has killed the Persian Gulf's shrimp industry, the head of a major gulf fishing company said today.
Some fear the industry could be destroyed by the kinds of viruses that wiped out the shrimp industry in Taiwan in the late 1980's.
With labor scarce in Louisiana, the Chinese laborers primarily filled the plantations and the shrimp industry.
As well, it operates a thriving shrimp industry.
These new rules would be welcome; they would save turtles without harming the shrimp industry.
The shrimp industry, however, contends that the shortages in the supply of larvae during the past decade are due to fluctuations in population.
Following this work, shrimp industry's members expressed the need to continue these experiments and to become more involved in the project.
Cayenne is an important industrial centre for the shrimp industry.
It is particularly known though for its shrimp industry.