The characters, even though Ben is supposed to be a shrimp fisherman, are actually well matched.
Carolee is married to Alphonse but in love with Perry, a shrimp fisherman.
However, local shrimp fishermen are hostile, feeling their livelihood is at risk.
It is named after the shrimp fisherman that once landed their launches on the beach to unload their catch.
"I was contacted by a group of shrimp fishermen who've noticed dramatic changes in their catches the past few years."
Sylvie Fontaine didn't know it, but she was going to help him and the shrimp fishermen.
He contended the shrimp fishermen were pretty much going to whip their asses.
Every year more than 10,000 sea turtles become entangled and die in the nets of American shrimp fishermen.
The Fisheries Service helped develop several of the excluder devices, and hoped shrimp fishermen would use them voluntarily.
He was protective of Louisiana industries, like oil and gas producers and shrimp fishermen.