A blend of contradictions, Clinton's politics are at once deeply personal and shrewdly calculated.
From start to finish this fast-moving Warner's release is shrewdly calculated and affirms the gifts of its director Jack in bringing style and meaning to the exploitation picture.
The facade of a brash, sad-sack clown that he presents to the camera seems as shrewdly calculated as Michael Moore's working-class everyman; it's shtick.
The figure of Catherine was shrewdly calculated to appeal to fantasies likely to grab advertisers' most desirable viewers: women between the ages of 18 and 49.
"Encantadas" seems shrewdly calculated to make the rounds of the music business and get performances everywhere.
Accordingly, he produced "Dear Mr. Capote," a shrewdly calculated avant-garde novel about a serial killer.
Many newer restaurants seem like one more model rolling off the assembly line or a shrewdly calculated effort to diversify the portfolio.
The derivative picture is shrewdly calculated in a different way, though.
Political analyst Karim Sader suggested Qatar's response was part of "a shrewdly calculated divorce from the Syrian regime".
In fact, it's part of a shrewdly calculated subtext.