Considered the beautiful but dumb kid sister, Isabel is avid to improve herself, endlessly inquisitive about French manners and full of shrewd instincts.
A man whose shrewd instincts are often underestimated, Mr. Tudjman was ready to oblige.
Known for shrewd political instincts, he was a leading negotiator in constitutional talks and is expected to play a larger role than his portfolio suggests.
He had shrewd instincts, yet he seemed to lack burning desire.
He always remained a Catholic, with a remarkable capacity for organization, straightforward, provocative oratory, and a markedly shrewd political instinct.
He had the shrewd selective instinct and the artistic taste.
Brown used his shrewd commercial instincts by releasing a series of upbeat, up-tempo singles from the album, one after another.
Mr. Potter has a shrewd instinct for denying his audience easy conclusions.
He realized immediately that he was facing a man of shrewd instinct.
Mrs. Whitman's father, although not as outgoing, had shrewd political instincts and was a longtime state Republican chairman.