She sells the shredded material to a paper recycling company.
The company also promises that most of the shredded material, including metals, will be recycled.
Into space came a blizzard of shredded material, pulverized and pebbled metal, fabric, crew, and all.
This shredded material was put into long paper bags (burn bags) and taken to the incinerator on grounds of the local Communications center and burnt.
Their nests are typically spherical and made of shredded material, including sticks, leaves, other vegetation, and cloth.
We found one bag of shredded classified material in a Dumpster, but it was confetti-shredded and unreadable-still a violation, but not a serious one.
The box is divided into two sections: the shredding equipment area, and the payload area for storage of the shredded materials.
It was filled to the brim with some brown shredded material, more like vegetable fibre than paper, the nature of which I have never been able to discover.
The motion also cites a custodian who said he removed "bags of shredded material from outside Room 7."
The metals are removed from the shredded material and the plastics go into landfills.