In an inconsistent and stylistically mixed cast, David Young is classy indeed in the showy role of Albin, the transvestite.
And her showy, external role in "Madame Sousatzka" is designed to be remembered.
He gained great attention with a showy role in The Story of Dr Wassell and became a comedy star.
Varden's stage work mainly consisted of showy supporting roles although she did star in the ill-fated Return Engagement by Lawrence Riley.
He plays a teen-ager in a tough, showy role as a mentally slow character.
It's not a showy role, but Houston plays it as if the frost outdoors has settled on her shoulders.
Michael Mosley makes the most of his showy role, playing it as a devilish frat boy with a pasted-on smile.
And Ms. Portman, a budding knockout, is scene-stealingly good even in an overly showy role.
In the showy role of the sleazy Engineer, pimp and master manipulator, Kevin Gray is too excessive at being excessive.
Although he approaches this potentially showy role without fanfare or ostentation, he has managed to transform himself to an astonishing degree.