You can mathematically show that, if they're subject to any selection, they'll spread within a population.
Wilks showed mathematically why unit weights should work well in practice.
It can be shown mathematically that this portfolio's odds of rising are much higher - closer to 75 percent, in fact.
It is the first work to show mathematically how repeated insult to mature cells increases the risk of cancer.
He showed mathematically that a function could be reconstructed from an infinite set of its projections.
For some of these systems, it can be explicitly, mathematically shown that the transfer operators are not trace-class.
It is a process of diminishing returns, as Arthur Holmes showed mathematically nearly 30 years ago.
The mirror effect can be shown mathematically.
John Knapman has also mathematically shown that the meander instability can be tamed.
The common collector circuit can be shown mathematically to have a voltage gain of almost unity: