A rambling, French mixed-media show titled "Our 1980's" is the first large-scale exhibition to take the plunge.
A new show about surfing titled Gone Until December debuted in summer 2011.
A third show titled Anna & Kristina's Beauty Call debuted on January 1, 2009 on W.
His first personal show titled, Longing was held in New York in 2007, and was reviewed by The Paris Review.
's first one-man show, titled [Birth・Day], was on June 3, 2006.
The 'Pros' Offer Advice The children gathered in front of the television to watch a show titled, "Hey - What About Me?"
A second show titled Melrose Place (2009-10)
The show was later re-broadcast and titled "Man Raze In Session".
Launched in 2008, a show of stand-up comedy titled Putz Grill, which features up to the present day.
It was announced that a new show starring the popular group titled 'Himnaera-Him!'