The show taped its first season in February 2009, and debuted on September 28, 2009.
During the five days of filming, the show taped over an hour's worth of material.
The show, with Mo Gaffney as host, taped its first segment on Wednesday.
The show has been on the air since 1999 and has taped over 2000 episodes.
This show taped what the students' lives within the La academia house.
The show taped from CBS Television City in Los Angeles.
The show taped its final scenes on August 11, 2009, and its final episode was broadcast September 18, 2009.
In fact, the shows will not tape scenes that weren't originally planned but will not edit as tightly as usual.
The show featured both taped and live performed sketches, nearly every sketch was part of a series of sketches featuring special characters and settings.
The song was also performed on the Today Show while the show was taping from Minneapolis, Minnesota.