The film shows residents in the midst of disaster dealing with death, devastation and disease.
The point of the city's home composting project is to show residents how easy it is to compost in their apartments or backyards.
The agency says it has also taken steps to show residents that it hears their concerns.
Picture shows local residents picking fresh fruits at a supermarket in Beijing.
Footage appeared to show residents being pinned down, slapped, doused in water and taunted.
News broadcasts also showed residents in the president's hometown beating drums and gongs to celebrate the news.
Note that these statistics only show officially registered residents, and that the actual number of foreign citizens living in Shanghai is likely much higher.
Television images have shown residents of Falluja pulling dust-covered children from the rubble left by airstrikes.
It shows residents of predominantly black neighborhoods as roaches, being sprayed by a white hand bearing a can of insecticide.
In 1977, a poll showed residents evenly divided between pro-economic growth and pro-environment positions.