Two major movie theaters operated daily: the Bobbitt Theater which played first-run films, and the Kelly Theater which showed older releases.
Showing newer releases, Reel Deals are shown for $3 on Tuesdays and Thursdays on an irregular schedule.
There's no shortage of cinemas showing all the latest international releases, as well as a decent selection of art-house movies.
The Wells Film centre shows current releases and, in conjunction with the Wells Film Society shows less well known and historical films.
B Map This 17-screen cinema replaced many smaller cinemas and shows only commercial releases.
It regularly shows African-produced films, as well as recent international releases and a diet of kung fu and Bollywood hands-in-the-air extravaganzas.
T Map Has six screens showing recent releases, including some in English.
Over recent years 4Music has risen, showing new single releases, as well as other music shows frequently broadcast across T4, Channel 4 and E4.
There are two grass sports ovals in the area and a cinema showing recent international releases.
The Court House also hosts regular film shows showing recent releases usually on the first or second Friday of every month.