Indeed, Capon's List shows live recordings made as late as 1988.
The initial seismic tests showed very different recordings compared to those near the surface so that the theories on the source of seismic reflections needed to change.
To bolster her case for increased population, the Expansionist senator showed recordings from the First Incursion.
It strikes me the appropriate response for the bands would be to show edited recordings of the offending politicians at their gigs in suggestive ways.
The prosecution showed recordings of a ginger blonde blackmailing him, and that clinched the motive and the verdict-guilty.
Gonzaga showed me recordings of several sessions involving some couples in the program.
In Germany, Theaterkanal shows recordings of theatre both recent and not so recent.
The surrounding screens showed recordings of the creatures Dajeil had studied, swum and floated with during most of those four decades.
September 6, 2011 - A new trailer is made available, showing recordings of gameplay in the alpha version of the game.
They claimed to be showing me recordings given them by the Federation, incomplete copies.