This list shows players used during the brief player strike on April 14, 1979.
They show players leaping upward, and tend to offer the best view in sports of long athletic shorts.
But show me guys who keep coming back and laying it out there every night, and I'll show you competitive players.
This section shows players in a 4-4-2 formation with the most league starts during the season.
Shows players at current club or last club played for.
This list shows players who are on the Reserve Team.
Table shows players with at least 20 innings completed.
The Jaguars football team have made the playoffs and as always show strong players, but has yet to have much success.
But then, they have to be, not just to shmooze, but to show other players that they're on the same lists.
A drill instructor waits in the Bootcamp to show you new players how the game is played.